We believe these 10 actions lead to good work. We call them our Sweet Tenets.

01 Lead with curiosity.

02 Actively listen & openly communicate.

03 Deeply understand the intention.

04 Reveal the unseen.

05 Align with purpose.

06 Be hard on the work & good to people.

07 Progress over perfection.

08 Share the journey.

09 Deliver unforgettable creative.

10 Move brands & business forward.



Jeff Barker
Head of Growth

Like Winston Wolfe, Jeff's a guy “that solves problems.” Armed with a growth mindset, a hefty dose of curiosity, and experience to have earned an “easy-going way of things.” 

Jeff helps facilitate our client's success with a pinpoint diagnosis of the business problem to solve, then aligns the strategic and creative talents to deliver on our collective promises. His mom gave him three stars on Glassdoor. 

Jeff's liked and trusted has below-average karaoke skills; for a modest fee, he can tie a Bowline knot in hand-cuffs and a bag on his head (see terms and conditions).

Lorna Harrington
Head of Relationships

What to say about Lorna? Well, for starters, she's the glue, the conduit, and if you want to get all Newtonian mechanics ’n stuff, she's the electromagnetic force that holds us together and brings out the best in all of us.

We're in good hands — Lorna leads our client relationships with deep experience and an insane amount of knowledge and does it all with grace and confidence, even in the most challenging of conditions.

Add a little sass, some occasional sports betting, and a British accent; you have the total package in this sports mom.

Peter Anderson
Head of Creative

From strategy, to concept, to execution, Peter balances an even keel with a hunger to break molds. He is equally comfortable as a collaborator, a leader or a maker.

Whether it be bags of chips, technology, culture, boxes of mac & cheese, startups, non-profits, fortune 500 or cans of soup — Peter is focused on (food?) creating work that gets talked about.

When Peter is not having fun doing what he loves for work he is outside. He was born and raised in the PNW and has pine needles running through his veins. Chasing his two kids down mountains on bikes or snowboards is a perfect day.



Brand Strategy

Idea, purpose & promise
Positioning & personality
Voice & key messaging

Brand Design


Interactive Design

Content & SEO strategy
Social strategy & execution
Community management
UX & UI design
Content creation
Development, testing & training